
Why And When Is Physical Therapy A Good Option?

Today we’ll be answering some common questions related to physical therapy.

Today we’d like to address a few of the most common questions people have concerning physical therapy. In covering these questions, we’ll discuss why, and how soon, a person should go to physical therapy, as well as what physical therapy is meant to achieve in general.

We treat a wide variety of injuries in our own physical therapy practice, including everything from muscle strains to back and neck injuries, and beyond. We also tend to see a high volume of sports-related injuries.

But type of injury aside, how can someone know whether the injury they’re suffering from is worth pursuing physical therapy?

We’ve all overexerted ourselves and woken up with a sore back, but the difference between these injuries and the ones that may require physical therapy is how long, and how severely, they affect us. In short, physical therapy can be a prudent option for any injury that doesn’t resolve itself in a couple of days.

Also, the belief that you must go to a doctor before seeking physical therapy is a common misconception. The sooner you start treatment, the sooner you can start to heal. And while conventional wisdom may lead you to think that resting at home is the best way to heal, this is not the case.

Often, lying around doing nothing simply de-conditions your body from the daily tasks made difficult by your injury. This will make you weaker over time and make it even more difficult for you to regain the level of strength you had prior to your injury. Seeking physical therapy, rather, is a much more effective way to get back into your normal routine.

Even if you aren’t sure about whether the nature of your injury makes you a good candidate for physical therapy, there’s no harm in giving it a try. Our team would be happy to assess your injury and, if necessary, start treatment on the spot. Our job is to do whatever we can to make sure you start feeling better as soon as possible—whether by providing you with treatment or referring you to an appropriate physician.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Why And When Is Physical Therapy A Good Option?

Why And When Is Physical Therapy A Good Option?