Heangun (Lucky) Yoon


Heangun (Lucky) Yoon


Prior to her arrival in the United States, Lucky studied Sports and Health Rehabilitation at Kookmin University in Seoul, South Korea, and was a member of both the Ski Team Association and the Taekwondo Club.

It was during her time at University that her father began having health issues and it was in watching his struggles and realizing she felt powerless to help him regain his strength that she was motivated to further her education so she could help him and others in the future. With that, Lucky eventually moved to the United States, where she attended Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis and received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2022.

Lucky believes deeply in the power of improving people’s health through movement and advocates for healthier lifestyles. She loves biking, skiing, and hiking, learning new things, trying food from different cultures/countries, and being surrounded by the people she loves. Embodying the “F” of the Chiron PERFECT PT mission. Lucky treats her patients like family and has adopted the Chiron team as her American family.